Nicest/Meanest Kpop Fanclubs?
2011-07-16 13:45:09 UTC
What are your top 5 fanclubs that you belong to? (Not all, just the top 5)
Which fanclub do you think has the nicest people? (Overall)
Which fanclub do you think has the . . . um "non-nicest" people? (Overall)

For me it's:

My top 5 fanclubs: ELF, Shawol, Sone, Kiss Me, A+
Nicest: ELF
Non-Nicest: Sones (I'm not saying all Sones aren't nice, but overall . . and I'm not an anti, SNSD is my third, possibly second favorite group :D)
Sixteen answers:
Proud YoonAddict
2011-07-16 17:30:30 UTC
nicest: ELFS,Wonderful

None-nicest: all girl group fans are a little harsh because mostly you only like 2-3 girls groups and all boy groups XD but if I had to choose it'd be BlackJacks since I've seen many of them bashing 4minute,f(x),SNSD and Wonder Girls. but honestly, I love 2ne1, they're so talented but some fans are intorelable.

I admit,I can be scary at times too(ELF,Shawol,SONE and a wonderful here!!)

Edith: something that I dislike about BlackJacks is they go to SUJU,f(x) SNSD and SHINee videos and right "YG family only" like only their idols are talented. It just pisses me off!
2011-07-18 00:28:51 UTC
Top 5: Shawol, Inspirit, B2uty, f(x) fan (they don't have a fan club name), A+

Nicest: ELFs or Inspirits. ELFs are super dedicated to SuJu, more so than any others I think! Also I don't see many ELFs trolling other groups, they're polite. Inspirits are also very devoted and since Infinite is a relatively new group, they're really nice and try to get the word out there:)

Non-Nicest: Both Sones and Blackjacks (not all of them). Somehow those two always end up in bitter fanwars, probably because they're the top two girl groups and total opposites. Also I think that a lot of people pick only one girl group to obsess over, so while they're pretty open about boy groups, they're super protective over their chosen girl group.
2011-07-17 03:09:10 UTC
1) VIP

2) Blackjack

3) A+

4) B1A4 (no name yet u.u)

I think the nicest are Shawols and Cassies, I'm not a Shawol or a Cassie, but I admire SHINee and DBSK and their fans are ussually very nice to eachother and to people who don't know much about them like me. Except you mess with Yunjae or Jongkey xD just kidding, even when people do so, they don't go that over the top like other fan clubs, and they're funny too. VIPs are super cool too ^.^ they're my sisters, but still, I think the nicest are Shawols and Cassies.

The non-nicest (IMO) are Blackjacks. You'll find lots of cool and nice people among blackjacks, lots! but I also find those anoying fans with superiority complex. Even when I'm a Blackjack, it doesn't seem nice at all how Blackjacks always in any video compare 2NE1 to the rest of the girl groups. We know they are special, that doesn't mean you have the right to talk as if the rest of the girl groups were s h i t, and to speak like they are the only group with talent. I love 2NE1 more than anything!! but I don't like the manners of some Blackjacks out there. thumb me down all you want!! it's just what I think.

I don't know any Sone but I know lots of trolls pretending to Sones and many Sones who are trolls xD like anyone knew foreverninegirls or something? hahah I think that must bring their reputation down too.
2011-07-16 20:21:27 UTC
I'm a Shawol, BBC, VIP, Kiss Me, and Dalmate. :)

I'd say the nicest are BBC's. I've never really seen any BBC's bad mouth other groups, despite the fact that Block B and their fans get a lot of hate. Usually they just shrug whatever comments off, and keep to themselves. They're really welcoming and a super nice fandom in general. :) Shawols and Kiss Me's are really nice as well. Shawols can be a little crazy some times -- not in a bad way :P -- and Kiss Me's typically just midn their own business, I think. :P

While I /love/ SNSD and 2NE1 (heck, SNSD is my third favorite girl group, next to f(x) and Dal*Shabet), I'd have to say Sones and Blackjacks are the non-nicest. They cause a lot of drama and fangirls with other girl group fandoms (not that other girl group fans don't do this; I just see it most with Blackjacks and Sones) I mean, any time a new group debuts they always get accused of copying one of the two, y'know? I think SOME members (because I know a lot of really nice Sones and Blackjacks :3) sort of think their... I don't know, better than other fanclubs?

That's just my opinion though; I'm not trying to offend. :)
2011-07-16 18:58:12 UTC
My Top 5 Fan Clubs :

1) Cassiopeia

2) Shawol

3) ELF

4) Wonderfuls

5) Kamilla


I think that the nicest has got to be the Shawols. As much as I'm a Cassie, and a member of DBSK's official fan club, I sometimes get freaked out by how hardcore the other Korean members are. I'd love to say Cassiopeia...but sometimes they freak I choose Shawols. They're like, super nice and sweet :]


I have to say that the SONEs are the scariest, because they really are a I'm not sure how to explain it, but there is that incident at the Dream Concert and the SONEs going around with blades and stabbing people...
2011-07-16 15:54:45 UTC
My fanclubs: ELF, Shawol, B2uty. i like others too but Super Junior, SHINee and B2ST are the groups i mostly spazz about XD

Nicest: TripleS. they're so nice i rarely hear anything about them. like negative stuff.

Non-Nicest: i actually think ELF is the non-nicest, well only because they made another ELF commit suicide :( which i think is a pretty mean thing to do. if that incident didn't exist i would have say that they'r the nicest.

but i think ELFs are like the most dedicating fan club out there :D i mean they do many things for Super Junior like donating to charity under the members' name and like bringing food for the whole SM staff for the the concert and stuff, etc.

oh i think Blackjacks are obnoxious :P like they think their idols are the best or something and have the need to tell everyone about it which leads to fanwars :P

but to be honest we can't really say who's the nicest or meanest, i mean in every fanclub there has to be at least a couple of mean fans that would always bring down their whole reputation...and sometimes fans are only nice to other their own fanclub members and just mean to others.
2011-07-16 15:22:37 UTC
My top 5 fanclubs: Shawol, Sone, Kiss Me, B2uty

Nicest: ELF, Triple S, B2uty

Non-Nicest: Sones, Blackjacks

I'm a huge Sone, but i've noticed so many other Sones get butthurt and are really protective of the girls, to the point where they start insulting other groups. Blackjacks just because they think 2NE1 are the best and most talented just because they're different than other girls groups. They always compare them to SNSD, when they're not even remotely close to being similar. I love 2NE1 so much but sometimes Blackjacks piss me off.
2011-07-16 21:17:01 UTC
I'm TripleS, A+, KissMe... I like a lot in Kpop, but I don't know other groups well enough to call myself part of their fanclubs. (Not yet anyhow!)

This might be biased but I think TripleS is the nicest group I've come across. They always welcome new fans, leave a lot of comments to explain things to newcomers, etc. There's always some fans that are a little rude or mean but someone in TripleS usually says to be careful and reminds them that they are there to support SS501 and not be spiteful. It's always stated in a really neutral way too so nobody gets called out. I was very impressed by TripleS even before I considered myself a part of them.

The member subgroups are a little different. I've seen a bit more rowdiness and lack of thought from Henecians (not trying to hate, I love leader too!). I don't know about PJM fans and KKJ and HYS just formed their clubs so I haven't much experience there.

Haven't had much issues with KissMe's or A+ either, I've enjoyed most of the fans so far. Never really came across anything that negative.
2011-07-16 20:32:00 UTC
I don't have a top 5 the only fanclub i'm part of is ELF

Overall the nicest would be ELF's.

The non nicest fanclub would be Sones
2011-07-17 00:52:15 UTC
Rather indecisive here

I'm a E.L.F., CASSIE, KISSME,SHAWOL and honestly I fluctuate between A+/PRIMADONNA/B1A4's unnamed club. I really can't switch those last three.

Nicest people would be SHAWOLS, they're really sweet and cute. A fan hugged Taemin and let go and ran off with her gift from him. AND TAEMIN CUTELY HUGGED HIMSELF AFTERWARDS AND SMILED! Its a 100% loving relationship and I don't know of any problems. A close second would be either B2UTY or KISSME because B2UTY pretty much feeds BEAST (that's what it seemed like on idol maid.) And KISSME accepted the new members HOON and AJ pretty smoothly and still Support KIBUM and ALEXANDER.

NONNICEST? Honestly? ELF, at least the more radical members. Some members have caused suicided, fear among other celebrities (you know the fear is real) they protested both new members by buying stock and holding SM and suju ransom (pretty much add 2 members and we wont buy another thing etc), some even went to the concerts to boo poor Henry and Zhou mi when the members already love and accept them both. ELF is generally the sweetest group but the radical members are really scary. I still love my fellow ELF'S Though.
2011-07-19 04:11:06 UTC
1) ELF

2) B2uty

3) Shawol

Nicest: I don't know much about fanclub stuff but I know how dedicated ELF's are (thats awesome) so I think ELFs would be the nicest

Non Nicest: I don't know anything about that so I just won't make a comment
2011-07-17 23:48:03 UTC
My TOP: (I love them all equally~ tried to put them in order BUT they are loved EQUALLLY by me >< )

1) VIP - BigBang

2) Hottest- 2PM

3) Primadonna - FT Island

4) BlackJacks -2ne1

5) Kiss Me - U-KISS

WELL~ I think from my TOP...they are ALL nice fanclubs >< and none of them are mean :D but I TOTALLY AGREE WITH ELFs being the NICEST! :) AND SONEs being the most non-nicest people :/ lol~ yeah~ ^^
2011-07-17 06:23:45 UTC
I'm a Cassiopeia, VIP, Blackjack and KissMe.

Nicest? I'd say KissMes? because they're nice and kind and i rarely see KissMes bashing on other fandoms & vice versa. VIPs and Cassies are nice too though~

Non-Nicest? I'd say Sones. sometimes blackjacks too but sones...they're mean. and sometimes ELF too.
2011-07-16 15:18:42 UTC
well, I am an:



Black Jack



(idk what b1a4 fans are called)

and. . . A kiss me.


I really don't know. . . The blackjacks fans really support 2ne1 so I guess them?


Worst is probably SNSD, (is that called a sones?) well yeah, i really don't like em.
2011-07-16 20:07:51 UTC
Shawol and ELF
2011-07-16 14:41:17 UTC
Justin Bieber fans are the nicest :)

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